Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Bramble SOLD to Hilary in Washington State! 🌳
Foxglove Farm Bramble SOLD to Hilary in Washington State! 🌳
Cavachon Puppy Sable & White Boy Here’s a dreamboat of a puppy! I’m so in love with little Bramble, he’s not only strikingly beautiful, he’s a loving small bundle with the happiest tail in the litter. Wag. WAG. Wag. WAG. He never fails to greet everyone with a cheery welcome and is utterly content to be carried about by little people or big, a social butterfly extraordinaire! Probably the smallest when grown out of these babies, at about 14 pounds, ah but he thinks he’s a big dog and will happily play with the neighbor’s yellow lab if you’ll let him!