Cavachon and Cavapoo Puppies
Foxglove Farm Hattie SOLD to the Harris family in Florida! 🏝
Foxglove Farm Hattie SOLD to the Harris family in Florida! 🏝
Cavachon Puppy Blenheim Girl Another candidate for “Puppy Of The Year”, this little morsel promises to be one of the easiest puppy kids on the planet when it comes to training time at your house! I don’t mean to sound like there will never be a potty accident or a chewed slipper to deal with, but for the most part, our Cavachon puppies just cannot be surpassed in either looks, temperament, or trainability. They are without exception, smart, exceedingly affectionate, and once you have one you’ll know, the most lovable dog you’ll ever own. Hattie is another of my southern-leaning girl babies, I’m on a bent of old-fashioned names for these girls and this precious creature has loads of personality and charm to keep up with even Miss Scarlet lol! As to size? About 16 pounds when she’s a grown-up doggie.